Road Runner Body & Paint logo
The front of a red sports car with a red and white stripe on the side.
A red ribbon with the number 1 on it
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Auto Services

Suspension: 4 Wheel Alignment, Struts and Shocks, Wheel Bearings replaced/repacked, Variable Rate Coil, Leaf Springs, Suspension Service, Rack and Pinion

Electrical: Battery Replacement, Starters, Alternators, Power Windows, Seats and Tail Lights

Brakes: Disk and Drum, 4 Wheel Disk, ABS Diagnosis and Repair

Engine: Oil or Water leaks diagnosis/repair and Steam Cleaning

Drive Train: Transmission Flush

Cooling System: Radiator Repair, Belts and Hoses, Power Flushing

Air Conditioning: Recharging and Recycling, Minor and Major Repairs

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Body Services

Body Damage Repair: Repairs, paintwork to scratches, scuffs and dents.

Paintless Dent Removal: Techniques for removing minor dents and dings.

Expert Color Match: We can match most any color perfectly.

Decal Application: Images applies to your vehicle with professional precision.

Wrap Application: Advertise your business or cause on your vehicle.

Complete Vehicle Detailing: Cleaning, polishing and waxing.

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Special Deals

Oil Change Special: Receive a free stamp towards our loyalty program for downloading our free mobile app.

Gift Card Special: We appreciate your loyalty. Receive a $20 gift card to a local restaurant.

Repair Special: We are offering 20% off any mechanical repair.

Body Repair Special: Get a full 10% off your insurance deductible for any body repair.

Oil Change Special: Synthetic Oil Change Only. All vehicle types. Not to be combined with any other offers.

Vehicle Inspection Special: Free Vehicle Inspection - We examine your tires, fluid levels, belts, lights, wipers, battery hoses and more. Let us keep your car in the best condition possible. When you take care of your vehicle, it runs better and lasts longer.

Service Special: 25% off any service over $200.00: Take an additional 25% off any auto service or body work that is over $200 (labor only).

Collision Inspection Special: Ever think that your auto body repairs weren't done correctly? Come into our shop for a free Post Repair Collision Inspection.

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